Artist - Chairlift
Album - Something
Song - Amanaemonesia
Fun fact - It was great seeing them live in Dallas and watching her do the dance from the video. They also threatened to stop playing until the bartender turned off the Dallas Mavs game that was playing over the bar. Classic.
Artist - Santigold
Album - Master of My Make-Believe
Song - Disparate Youth
Artist - Big Boi
Album - Vicious Lies and Dangerous Rumors
Song - Mama Told Me
Artist - The Mountain Goats
Album - Transcendental Youth
Song - Cry For Judas Fact - I had tickets to see their show two weeks ago but was really sick and couldn't make it out.
Artist - Jens Lekman
Album - I Know What Love Isn't
Song - I Know What Love Isn't fact - He put on a great show in Dallas and my wife and I even got to meet him. He really liked my wife's cowboy boots and asked for a picture of their feet together. Check it out.
Honorable mentions: Alt J - Obviously these guys have blown up this year. I heard them in a record store while fighting jet lag in downtown Dublin. Not only is that a very cool story but it was also one of those situations where you hear part of a song in the store and you immediately want to know who it is so you can buy it. Also this was May and the album hadn't been released in the states yet. Talk about triple coolness.
Biggest disappointments of the year:
- No new music from Faith No More
- Das Racist announcing their breakup.